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Most of the Pet Portraits I paint show the head and shoulders of the pet.  With a neutral background this is a better way of showing the pet to advantage.  Some examples shown here have other backgrounds, but they were specially requested, and meant that it took longer to finish the painting.

"PUSS" - a semi-wild cat who adopted her owners when she lived in their garden!

The photo used for PUSS's portrait.

"KYLIE" - a much cherished pal. Painting commissioned after she died.

The photo used for KYLIE - the painting depicts her in the kind of place she enjoyed!
This cute chap had his legs disappearing in the grass! The owners wanted him depicted as in the photo they gave me, because his face looked so cute! "SHEBA" - this young Labrador was shown sitting on a patio in her photograph, with her collar all askew at the end. The painting is how her owners wanted her depicted.
Three playful Border Collies - this painting was of three dogs, taken from separate photos and for the painting were placed near the sea where they usually romped. This little chap was so elegant! (Apologies for the not quite such good quality of this photo)!
And now for something completely different! An owner's favourite horse in action.

© Lucy Sinclair 2004